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Our Jurisdictions

WK Lawyers is a dynamic, progressive specialist law firm in South Australia representing workers and plaintiffs only.

We have experience in the following jurisdictions:

WK Lawyers is proudly a partner organisation with Workplace Advice Service. We provide free initial advice to workers around Australia in relation to their rights under the Fair Work Act 2009, including unfair dismissal, general protections, bullying and harassment, unlawful termination and other issues.

State tribunal that deals with disputes related to employment and industrial relations in South Australia. It has the power to make orders and decisions about matters such as unfair dismissal, workplace disputes, and workplace health and safety.

An independent body that reviews decisions made by Australian government agencies, including decisions related to migration, taxation, and social security. The AAT provides a forum for people to have their case heard and reviewed by an independent decision-maker.

A federal court that deals with a range of matters, including family law, administrative law, and bankruptcy. The FCC has jurisdiction across Australia and aims to provide a simpler and more accessible process for resolving disputes.

A state court that deals with more serious criminal and civil matters. It has jurisdiction to hear cases that exceed the jurisdiction of the Magistrates' Court. The District Court is the second level of the court system in most Australian states.

Judicial officers who preside over courts that deal with minor criminal and civil matters. In Australia, magistrates hear cases in the Magistrates' Court.

We appear regularly before the Fair Work Commission. We are familiar and experienced with the process in the Fair Work Commission.